Plan Szkolenia


  • What are Large Language Models (LLMs)?
  • LLMs vs traditional NLP models
  • Overview of LLMs features and architecture
  • Challenges and limitations of LLMs

Understanding LLMs

  • The lifecycle of an LLM
  • How LLMs work
  • The main components of an LLM: encoder, decoder, attention, embeddings, etc.

Getting Started

  • Setting up the Development Environment
  • Installing an LLM as a development tool, e.g. Google Colab, Hugging Face

Working with LLMs

  • Exploring available LLM options
  • Creating and using an LLM
  • Fine-tuning an LLM on a custom dataset

Text Summarization

  • Understanding the task of text summarization and its applications
  • Using an LLM for extractive and abstractive text summarization
  • Evaluating the quality of the generated summaries using metrics such as ROUGE, BLEU, etc.

Question Answering

  • Understanding the task of question answering and its applications
  • Using an LLM for open-domain and closed-domain question answering
  • Evaluating the accuracy of the generated answers using metrics such as F1, EM, etc.

Text Generation

  • Understanding the task of text generation and its applications
  • Using an LLM for conditional and unconditional text generation
  • Controlling the style, tone, and content of the generated texts using parameters such as temperature, top-k, top-p, etc.

Integrating LLMs with Other Frameworks and Platforms

  • Using LLMs with PyTorch or TensorFlow
  • Using LLMs with Flask or Streamlit
  • Using LLMs with Google Cloud or AWS


  • Understanding the common errors and bugs in LLMs
  • Using TensorBoard to monitor and visualize the training process
  • Using PyTorch Lightning to simplify the training code and improve the performance
  • Using Hugging Face Datasets to load and preprocess the data

Summary and Next Steps


  • An understanding of natural language processing and deep learning
  • Experience with Python and PyTorch or TensorFlow
  • Basic programming experience


  • Developers
  • NLP enthusiasts
  • Data scientists
 14 godzin

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