Plan Szkolenia

Introduction to the Enneagram

  • Overview of the Enneagram
  • Overview of the nine Enneagram types
  • Wings, levels of development, and centers of intelligence

Enneagram and Self-Leadership

  • Identifying your Enneagram type
  • Strengths and challenges of your type as a leader
  • Personal growth paths for each Enneagram type

Enneagram in Team Dynamics

  • Understanding team members' Enneagram types
  • Enhancing team communication and collaboration
  • Managing conflict through Enneagram insights

Enneagram Strategies for Organizational Excellence

  • Aligning Enneagram insights with organizational goals
  • Enneagram and change management
  • Cultivating an adaptive and innovative organizational culture

Practical Application of the Enneagram in Leadership

  • Enneagram in OE leadership
  • Integrating Enneagram work into leadership development plans
  • Developing a personalized Enneagram-based leadership strategy

Advanced Enneagram Tools for Leaders

  • Subtypes and their impact on leadership style
  • Using Enneagram in coaching and mentoring
  • Future trends in Enneagram and leadership

Summary and Next Steps


  • Basic understanding of leadership principles and organizational dynamics


  • Managers
  • Organizational leaders
  • HR professionals
 7 godzin

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