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iOS Programming (iPhone/iPad) for Programmers

35 godzin

Cross-platform mobile development with PhoneGap/Apache Cordova

21 godzin

iPhone and iPad Development in Swift for iOS 8 and Xcode 6

35 godzin

iOS (iPhone and iPad Development) in Swift for iOS 11 and Xcode 9 - Swift 4

35 godzin

iPhone and iPad Development using Swift 3 and Xcode 8 for iOS 10

35 godzin

Reactive Programming for iOS with RxSwift

7 godzin

Machine Learning on iOS

14 godzin

iOS (iPhone and iPad Development - Apple) in Swift for iOS 12 and Xcode 10 - Swift 4.1 Training Course

35 godzin

Kotlin for iOS and Android Development

35 godzin

Advanced iOS Development

14 godzin

3D iOS Development with SceneKit

7 godzin

TensorFlow Lite for iOS

21 godzin

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Szkolenie iOS, iOS boot camp, Szkolenia Zdalne iOS, szkolenie wieczorowe iOS, szkolenie weekendowe iOS, Kurs iOS,Kursy iOS, Trener iOS, instruktor iOS, kurs zdalny iOS, edukacja zdalna iOS, nauczanie wirtualne iOS, lekcje UML, nauka przez internet iOS, e-learning iOS, kurs online iOS, wykładowca iOS