Plan Szkolenia

Day 1 - Introduction and Basics

  1. Why Parallel Computing? Need for parallel Computing
  2. Multi-Core processors - Architecture and Design
  3. Introduction to Threads, Thread Basics and Basic concepts of parallel programming
  4. OpenMP- A Standard for Directive based Parallel Programming
  5. Hands on / Demonstration of various programs on multicore machines

Day 2 - GPU Programming

  1. GPU's for parallel Computing
  2. GPU's Programming Model
  3. Hands on /Demonstration of various programs on GPU
  4. SDK, Toolkit and Installation of environemnt for GPU
  5. Working with various Libraries
  6. Demonstration of GPU and Tools with Sample Programs and OpenACC


C Programming, Linux GCC

 14 godzin

Liczba uczestników

Cena za uczestnika

Opinie uczestników (1)

Szkolenia Powiązane

AMD GPU Programming

28 godzin

Introduction to GPU Programming

21 godzin

GPU Programming with CUDA

28 godzin

GPU Programming with OpenCL

28 godzin

GPU Programming - OpenCL vs CUDA vs ROCm

28 godzin

ROCm for Windows

21 godzin

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