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Ethics and Governance in Physical AI Development

14 godzin

Human-Centric Physical AI: Collaborative Robots and Beyond

14 godzin

Physical AI for Industrial Applications: From Concept to Implementation

21 godzin

Advanced Concepts in Physical AI: Designing Autonomous Systems

21 godzin

Physical AI for Robotics and Automation

21 godzin

Introduction to Physical AI: Building Intelligent Machines

14 godzin

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Propozycje terminów

Szkolenie Physical AI, Physical AI boot camp, Szkolenia Zdalne Physical AI, szkolenie wieczorowe Physical AI, szkolenie weekendowe Physical AI, Kurs Physical AI,Kursy Physical AI, Trener Physical AI, instruktor Physical AI, kurs zdalny Physical AI, edukacja zdalna Physical AI, nauczanie wirtualne Physical AI, lekcje UML, nauka przez internet Physical AI, e-learning Physical AI, kurs online Physical AI, wykładowca Physical AI