Plan Szkolenia
- Wprowadzenie do Cloud Computing
- Amazon EC2 i Amazon EBS
- Usługi przechowywania danych Amazon: S3, RRS, CloudWatch
- Skalowanie i rozkład obciążenia w AWS
- AWS VPC i Route 53
- Tożsamość i Access Management Techniki (IAM) i Amazon Managed Relational Database (RDS)
- Wiele usług AWS i zarządzanie cyklem życia zasobów
- Architektura i projektowanie AWS
- Studium przypadku migracji do chmury i AWS
Każdy, kto dobrze rozumie dowolny poziom programowania wysokiego poziomu, może dołączyć do tego programu.
Opinie uczestników (7)
Showing the different features of AWS and help the audience in case something doesn't work properly.
Issam IEBOUBEN - HSBC Service Delivery (Polska) Sp. z o o.
Szkolenie - AWS Architect Certification
Despite the 2 days, trainer has performed well. I personally thanks to him.
Baris Aydogmusoglu - HSBC Service Delivery (Polska) Sp. z o o.
Szkolenie - AWS Architect Certification
Since I am from network security the tropic interested me are network configuration and security management .As mentioned earlier 16 hours is not enough to cover all the topics, but the training is planned in such a way to provide an overview of how the cloud works .
Sanjith Cherian - HSBC Service Delivery (Polska) Sp. z o o.
Szkolenie - AWS Architect Certification
I really liked the training. It was very informative and clear explanation of all topics during whole training
Venkatesh Varanasi - HSBC Service Delivery (Polska) Sp. z o o.
Szkolenie - AWS Architect Certification
Training is good but require more time to practice test
Manu Megaravalli - HSBC Service Delivery (Polska) Sp. z o o.
Szkolenie - AWS Architect Certification
I was benefit from the coverage of relevant topics and discussion/focus on needed subjects.
vasanth kumar - HGS - Hinduja Global Solutions
Szkolenie - AWS Architect Certification
Gabriel was very organized and prepared for this training. He answered all questions and clarify the AWS notions and architecture. Great job, Gabriel.