Course Outline

Introduction to the database Oracle

    Database architecture Database relational model Users, schemas, sessions Database tools Oracle

Introduction to the SELECT statement

    Projection and selection Sorting Data types, operators and NULL handling Built-in scalar functions Date operations Locales and locales in SQL Queries Top N

Regular expressions

Aggregated data analysis

    Grouping functions DISTINCT clause GROUP BY and HAVING clauses Totals (ROLLUP, CUBE, GROUPING clauses)

Retrieving data from multiple tables

    Inner and outer joins (INNER JOIN, OUTER JOIN) ANSI SQL syntax and other join methods (SELF JOIN, NATURAL JOIN) Collective operators (UNION, UNION ALL, INTERSECT, MINUS)


    Simple subqueries Correlated subqueries EXISTS and NOT EXISTS operators Other types of subqueries Subqueries as a data source, creating views

Hierarchical queries and samples

    Tree building (CONNECT BY PRIOR and START WITH clause) SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH function Data samples (SAMPLE clause)

Analytical functions

    Generating summaries Window definition Statistical functions

Pivot queries (PIVOT, UNPIVOT)

Tables and constraints

    Table Management (CREATE, ALTER, DROP, RENAME) Constraint Integrity (CONSTRAINTS)

Data Manipulation (DML)

    INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE statements Operations on large sets (INSERT FIRST, INSERT ALL, MERGE)

Concurrent work of users

    Transactions Locks Ensuring data consistency over time Retrospective queries Versioning queries


The workshops are dedicated to end users, data analysts and software testers. Workshop participants do not have to be IT specialists, but employees who need to efficiently and effectively use the database Oracle, processing and analyzing the information contained therein.

 28 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (12)

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