Course Outline

Advanced elements of the SELECT statement

    Locales and locales in SQL Regular expressions Multidimensional aggregations: ROLLUP, CUBE, GROUPING SETS Correlated subqueries EXISTS and NOT EXISTS operators Other types of subqueries, subqueries as data source (WITH)

Hierarchical queries and samples

    Tree building (CONNECT BY PRIOR and START WITH clause) SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH function Data samples (SAMPLE clause)

Bulk DML operations

    Operations on large sets (INSERT FIRST, INSERT ALL, MERGE)

Analytical functions

    Generating summaries Window definition Statistical functions

Pivot queries (PIVOT, UNPIVOT)

System dictionary

Concurrent work of users

    Transactions, blockades Traction modes FLASHBACK

Users and permissions

    Creating and modifying users, schemes. Permissions and roles. Profiles

Data storage management - logical layer

    Tables, Temporary tables, Index-organized tables Constraints Indexes Views, sequences, synonyms, materialized views Storage units PL/SQL

Data portability

    Logical copy of data – datapump import and export Loading data – sqlLoader External tables Database links


Academic knowledge of relational databases: concepts of sessions, tables, data types, associations Knowledge of the language SQL in the basics of SELECT statements and DML statements

 21 Hours

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Price per participant

Testimonials (12)

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