Course Outline

JEE review


  • JEE Environment Servlet Architecture HTTP Servlets and Requests, HTTP Model MVC Architecture HTTP Servlet Lifecycle Writing and Running HTTP Servlets Passing and Combining Request Parameters Servlet Initialization and Context - Parameters Web Application State and Session Management Annotations in JEE 6 Asynchronous Processing (Ajax Support )


  • How to work with JSP Creating a Java Server Page Web Application Architecture JSP Elements and XML Callouts Implicit Objects Error Handling Custom Tags and Tag Libraries JSP Expression Language EL Expressions Variables and Functions


  • JSF lifecycle Standard JSF tags JSF expressions Creating and using Beans Navigating JSF pages Conversion and validating input Event handling Using Ajaxaz JSF Facelets Using templates Accessing Beans using CDI Embedding a dependency context in JEE Managing beans using CDI

JPA review

  • JPA Analysis Entity Classification Use of JPA Entity Manager Annotations Java DB Transactions

Introduction to web services

SOAP protocol

  • the structure of the message, the role of the namespace, the method of transferring data, metadata, error information and binary data, the use of the SOAP UI tool to test SOAP communication.

SOAP-SAAJ message processing

  • message structure in SAAJ, using the DOM interface, creating, sending and receiving messages, binary attachments, creating a client in SAAJ technology and a server in SAAJ+servlet technology.

WSDL web service description language

  • basics XML Schema and its role in WSDL, structure of messages in RPC, Document and "Document-Wrapped" styles, binding to SOAP protocol, creating a description of your own network service.

JAXB – mapping between XML and Java objects

  • Java scenario → XML Schema; customizing mapping with annotations, scenario XML Schema → Java; customizing the mapping using annotations in the schema or a separate file XML, using JAXB utility classes.

Web services in Java - JAX-WS

  • high-level creation of web services according to the scenario Java → WSDL (bottom-up) and WSDL → Java (top-down), JAX-WS annotations and customization of services, low-level aspects of JAX-WS: implementation of the service as a provider, handlers, asynchronous calls, creating your own web service and its client.

UDDI and JAXR - a brief overview.

Summary and overview of additional web service standards


  • WS-Interoperability Basic Profile,
  • WS-Addressing,
  • WS-Security.

REST style web services

  • idea and practice, comparison with services based on SOAP.

REST services in Java - JAX-RS

  • annotations and their role, support for various data encoding formats (text, XML, JSON, binary data), creating your own REST-style service and its client (in RESTEasy implementation).


    Good knowledge of the language Java and the ability to program in Java at least at the basic level.
 28 Hours

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