Course Outline

Building applications Angular

    Angular-CLI and webpack Configuration File compilation TypeScript and SASS

Embedded directives

    NgIf, NgSwitch, NgStyle, NgClass, NgFor and NgNonBindable

Own components

    Component Decorators Data Model Data Input and Output Dependency Injection

Style CSS

    Style encapsulation of the bootstrap.css and ng-bootstrap libraries

Events on the component

    OnInit, OnDestroy OnChanges DoCheck AfterContentInit, AfterViewInit AfterContentChecked, AfterViewChecked


    Introduction to TypeScript Strong typing Classes Interfaces Import and export of modules Annotations

Forms in Angular

    Model-driven Forms Template-driven Forms Create a form Built-in validators Custom validators Listen for changes in the form

Reactive programming - Observables

    Introduction to the library RxJS Observable, Subject and BehaviorSubject Combining events from many different Observable objects Processing Observable object data Reacting to events

Communication with the server

    Http RESTful Api Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS)


    Creating a Routing Routing Strategies Routing Parameters Routing Nesting Routing Activation

Creating an application (SPA)

    What should the application architecture look like? Downloading data from the server. Displaying a list of products. Adding, deleting, editing and searching for a product

Testy "End to End"

    Installation and configuration Introduction to Jasmine and Protractor Testing the form Testing adding and removing a product Test debugging Error logging Additional tools to support work

Testy "Unit"

    Installation and configuration Introduction to the Karma tool Testing the component, service and filter Loading component properties Mocking the API

Application debugging

Preparation of the production version of the application


Znajomość JavaScript, HTML, CSS, ogólna wiedza o bazach danych

 21 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (7)

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