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AI and AR/VR in Education

14 godzin

AI and AR/VR in Healthcare

14 godzin

AI-Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality for Industrial Applications

21 godzin

Advanced AI Techniques for AR and VR Systems

14 godzin

AI-Driven AR/VR Applications for Gaming and Entertainment

14 godzin

Introduction to AI in AR and VR

14 godzin

Virtual and Augmented Reality for Automation Engineers

28 godzin

Immersive Technology and Media (AR/VR)

7 godzin

Introduction to Virtual Reality (VR)

21 godzin

Virtual Reality (VR) for Game Developers

35 godzin

VR rapid prototyping in Unity3D for architecture showcasing

28 godzin

React VR: Creating Virtual Reality Apps with Javascript

7 godzin

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Propozycje terminów

Szkolenie VR, VR (Virtual Reality) boot camp, Szkolenia Zdalne Virtual Reality, szkolenie wieczorowe VR, szkolenie weekendowe Virtual Reality, Kurs Virtual Reality,Kursy VR (Virtual Reality), Trener Virtual Reality, instruktor VR, kurs zdalny Virtual Reality, edukacja zdalna VR (Virtual Reality), nauczanie wirtualne VR (Virtual Reality), lekcje UML, nauka przez internet VR (Virtual Reality), e-learning Virtual Reality, kurs online Virtual Reality, wykładowca Virtual Reality