Przeglądaj szkolenia
Introduction to Cosmos Framework
14 godzinBitcoin for Developers
14 godzinInternet of Things i Blockchain
7 godzinBlockchain Architecture
21 godzinBlockchain - Theory and Practice
7 godzinBlockchain for Banking
14 godzinBlockchain for Developers
14 godzinBlockchain Development with Coinbase
21 godzinBlockchain for Entrepeneurs and Managers
14 godzinBlockchain for Financial Bodies
14 godzinBlockchain for Medical
14 godzinBlockchain for Telecom
7 godzinPython and Blockchain
28 godzinCrypto Currencies and the Blockchain
7 godzinCertified Blockchain Architect
35 godzinCryptocurrency Investigation
21 godzinBlockchain: Hyperledger Fabric
14 godzinIoT and Blockchain
7 godzinRipple for Financial Managers
7 godzinEthereum for Developers
21 godzinBlockchain: Launch Your First DApp
7 godzinMultiChain: Set Up a Private Blockchain
14 godzinBlockchain Development with Stellar
21 godzinRipple for Developers
14 godzinHyperledger Fabric for Beginners
7 godzinOstatnia aktualizacja:
Opinie uczestników(10)
Trener wyjaśnił to w bardzo jasny sposób.
Abel - si
Szkolenie - Blockchain - Theory and Practice
Przetłumaczone przez sztuczną inteligencję
Patrick did a great job of striking a balance between covering all the prepared material while making time to give detailed answers to any questions from the group
Mick Mccarthy - Rakuten Blockchain Lab
Szkolenie - Ethereum for Developers
Zawansowanie technologiczne
Piotr Śliwa - Technologie Informatyczne sp. z o.o.
Szkolenie - Blockchain in Supply Chain Management
This topic is better with F2F, but this online training is still handled well . The important thing is the trainees were able to have understanding of Hyperledger Indy
OMAR BIN MUSA - UNITAR International University
Szkolenie - Blockchain: Hyperledger Indy for Identity Management
Trainer knows very well the subject. He try to give a lot of examples in order that we understand "how" it is working. He answer to all questions raised. Very available.
christel salve - BICS
Szkolenie - Blockchain for Telecom
Mr. Chen has plenty of knowledge and experiences in the blockchain domain. I liked the sections that he was willing to discuss with me on some real sceanrios. He had a very clear view on the questions and gave me different advised/suggestions which I had in the real case. He was not selling his ideas but guided me to understand this new technology from different perspectives, by explaining pros/cons for each situations.
Hailiang Shi
Szkolenie - Ripple Blockchain for Financial Companies
Wiedza trenera była imponująca.
Piotr Masłowski - ING Bank Śląski S.A.
Szkolenie - Hyperledger Fabric for Beginners
Ogromna wiedza prowadzącego oraz łatwy sposób przekazwywania jej.
Bartosz Matuszek - Weegree Sp. z o.o. Sp.k.
Szkolenie - Blockchain: Launch your first Dapp
I liked the practical exercises on Solidity and
ChanSittya Toung
Szkolenie - Blockchain Development: From Ethereum to Hyperledger
I genuinely enjoyed the mode of interaction.