Course Outline

1) Introduction to ES 2017 for ES5 developers, in particular:

- const / let

- unpack operator

- object literals, JSON

- for of loop

- Map and Set objects

- classes

- template literals

- asynchronous programming using async/await

2) Typescript

- built-in types

- interfaces

- generic types

- enumerated types

- intersections, type unions

- modifiers? and !

- code modularization, namespaces

- compilation, d.ts header files, source maps

- use of decorators

3) Node

- modularization in the commonjs standard

- streams

- debugowanie

- library util

4) Webpack

- modularization in the client layer, bundle files

- use of CLI tools – webpack and webpack-dev-server

- debugging, source maps

5) HTML 5

- History API

- Web Storage API

- File API

6) Visual Studio Code

- working with projects TypeScript + npm

7) NPM

- adding dependencies

- project version management

- publication to the repository

- updating package status and verifying vulnerabilities (audit)

- test automation

- the process of building, continuous integration and version building


There are no specific requirements needed to attend this course.

 35 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (6)

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