Course Outline

Introduction to MongoDB

Introduction to databases NoSQL

Reasons for the creation of non-relational databases

Features MongoDB

Advantages and disadvantages MongoDB

Technologies and solutions related to MongoDB

Using Mongo Shell and Robo 3T

Basic queries and data structure

Types of data stored





        Find / FindOne

The role and properties of the query result cursor

Sort, skip, limit

Query selectors

Creating logical conditions

Advanced Queries

Data projection mechanism


Operations on arrays and sets

FindAndModify and the $inc operator

Position operator and ArrayFilter

Storage Engines

Overview of internal file storage engines available with MongoDb

Features, advantages and disadvantages of the MMAPv1 engine

Features, advantages and disadvantages of the WiredTiger engine

WiredTiger recording mechanism (snapshot, checkpoint)

Comparison of RAM consumption by individual engines

Document validation

Creating and modifying simple validators

Validation levels

Validation actions

Validation using JsonSchema

Data modeling

Good Model Design Practices in MongoDB

Advantages and disadvantages of nested models

Types and implementation of “relationships”

Common mistakes


What is MapReduce?

MapReduce query structure

Mapping function

Reducing function

Finalizing function

Additional options

    Aggregation Framework

        Aggregation Pipeline

Aggregate query structure

Aggregation operators

Selected grouping accumulators

Exploding arrays with $unwind

Multioperations using $facet

Merging data from different collections using $lookup

Limitations of the aggregation mechanism


Storage of binary data in MongoDB

Metadata and chunks

Usage of mongofiles

Rationale for using GridFS

Indexes in MongoDB

Defining indexes

Simple and complex indexes

Use indexes on nested documents

Multikey (array) indexes

Partial indexes

    Full Text Search

What is Full Text Search?

Creating Full Text Indexes Search

Support for word formation analysis

Field weighting and sorting after matching

        Operator $**


    Change streams

The publish-subscribe pattern

Subscribe to changes in MongoDB

Format of the returned document


The Role of Replication in Expanding Capabilities MongoDB

Elementy components of the Replica Set

Failover mechanism and Primary node selection control

The role of the arbitrator

Construction and principle of operation of the oplog

Administrative commands in the replication set

Replica Set configuration

Hidden and lagging node

Node states

Desynchronization problems


The role of sharding in expanding possibilities MongoDB

        Config server

        Query router

Choosing a shard key

Data partitioning

Administrative commands in the cluster

Cluster setup

Administration and diagnostic tools

Backup strategies (mongodump, mongorestore)

Mongo performance diagnostics (mongostat, mongotop, listing of active operations)

Monitoring the replication process

(optional) Client Libraries


Controller configuration

Driver API, support BSON

            MongoDB + Spring Data


Controller configuration

Driver API, support BSON

Asynchronous operations


    Experience working with MongoDB Programming experience is helpful but not required. Audience Database administrators Systems administrators Operations and devops professionals
 28 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (1)

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