Course Outline

The training corresponds to key questions:

    Introduction to AI Smart technologies around us Difference between AI, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing Brief history - how did we get to Chat GPT? How does AI work? - pattern analysis Analysis and audit of our work and company - how to be sure that AI is for us?
Introduction and discussion of the possibilities of Chat GPT Learning a foreign language, consulting, generating speeches and sales texts, creating video materials, SEO, code analysis, software development and tests, ready-made e-mail answers and much more
  • Introduction and overview of Imagen's capabilities. Create any image, effectively generate promotional graphics, suggest good and bad practices
  • How to replace the whole company? Analysis of existing solutions, e.g. Looka, Briefyl, Flair, Lucy, Synthesia, Copymatic, MOVE, Memorable, Jasper, Pencil, Beethoven, Ocoya, Cleanvoice, ElevenLabs, Unbounce, Gogn, Maverick and many more
  • BHuman - personalized video,
  • Compose AI - automatic and ready Emails,
  • Resemble AI - generating voice content,
  • Descript - video editing and automatic meeting notes,
  • Colossyan - automatic advisor,
  • Otter AI - automatic meeting minutes,
  • Reclaim AI - better calendar management
  • AI script + ChatGPT + pictureAI + synthesiaIO - how to create AI video in 5 minutes?
  • What not to do - good and bad practices related to the introduction of AI Problems with AI - deepfake, scams, fake news
  • Requirements




     7 Hours

    Number of participants

    Price per participant

    Testimonials (1)

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