Course Outline

    Introduction to Microsoft Azure Create resource groups, services, and configure them using the portal, CloudShell, and Azure CLI Overview of available services. Hosting capabilities: virtual machines, containerization, serverless. Creating and configuring virtual machines. Architecture styles. Data storage services: Table Storage, Blob Storage, SQL Server, CosmosDB. Azure App Service and companion services. Azure Kubernetes Service and Azure Container Services. Example deployments to AppService: Applications WordPress and ASP.NET. Overview of the modern application development flow: Inner and outer loop, AKS containers and clusters, DevOps, CI/CD.
Introduction to images and containers Docker: Overview of basic concepts: image, container, DockerFile.
  • Create .NET Framework and .NET Core application images.
  • When to use .NET Framework and when to use .NET Core?
  • Preparation of a Web API service with a database and SSL certificate.
  • Using the tool Swagger for API documentation.
  • Kubernetes: Overview of key concepts such as Control Plane and Worker Nodes, Pods.
  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS): What does AKS manage?
  • Creating a cluster with Linux containers and Windows Server - an overview of the differences.
  • Deploying the application to AKS.
  • Horizontal and vertical scaling of the application.
  • Testing the application under load.
  • Certificate configuration.
  • Helm.
  • Terraform.
  • Cluster monitoring.
  • Integration with Azure DevOps and automatic CI/CD deployments.
  • Mini-workshop: self-implementation of the application, configuration of services in Microsoft Azure and AKS by the participants of the training.
  • Summary and next steps.
  • Requirements


     28 Hours

    Number of participants

    Price per participant

    Testimonials (5)

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