
ZIAD, Armii Krajowej 220, Bielsko Biała, Polska, 43-316

Sale szkoleniowe NobleProg w Bielsku - Białej mieszczą się w budynku ZIAD na parterze (Zakład Informat...

Przeglądaj szkolenia

Data Analytics with Python in Power BI

28 godzin

Cybersecurity with Python

14 godzin

Data Analytics with Tableau, Python, R, and SQL

35 godzin

Python, Spark, and Hadoop for Big Data

21 godzin

FARM (FastAPI, React, and MongoDB) Full Stack Development

14 godzin

ROS for Mobile Robots using Python

21 godzin

Data Analysis with SQL, Python, and Tableau

14 godzin

Programowanie w języku Python od podstaw

28 godzin

Advanced Python - 4 Days

28 godzin

Python and Spark for Big Data (PySpark)

21 godzin

Python Programming - wprowadzenie

14 godzin

Python in Data Science

35 godzin

Machine Learning with Python – 2 Days

14 godzin

Python: Automate the Boring Stuff

14 godzin

Advanced Machine Learning with Python

21 godzin

Data Analysis with Python, Pandas and Numpy

14 godzin

Unit Testing with Python

21 godzin

Python with Plotly and Dash

14 godzin

Machine Learning w Python

28 godzin

Natural Language Processing (NLP) with Python

28 godzin

Python Programming for Finance

35 godzin

Python for Geographic Information System (GIS)

21 godzin

Introduction to Data Science and AI using Python

35 godzin

Applied AI from Scratch in Python

28 godzin

Test Automation with Selenium and Python

14 godzin

Python for Excel

14 godzin

Data Analysis with SQL, Python and Spotfire

14 godzin

BDD with Python and Behave

7 godzin

GUI Programming with Python and PyQt

21 godzin

Python for Matlab Users

14 godzin

Learn Object-Oriented Programming with Python

14 godzin

Deep Learning for Telecom (with Python)

28 godzin

Python for Data Analysis

28 godzin

Build REST APIs with Python and Flask

14 godzin

Advanced Python - 1 Day

7 godzin

Web Scraping with Python

7 godzin

Scaling Data Analysis with Python and Dask

14 godzin

Python dla programistów

21 godzin

PostgreSQL with Python

21 godzin

RabbitMQ with Python

14 godzin

Developing APIs with Python and FastAPI

14 godzin

Scientific Computing with Python SciPy

7 godzin

Game Development with PyGame

7 godzin

Web application development with Flask

14 godzin

Advanced Flask

14 godzin

GUI Programming with Python and Tkinter

14 godzin

Kivy: Building Android Apps with Python

7 godzin

Web Development with Web2Py

28 godzin

Web Development with Django

21 godzin

Advanced Django

14 godzin

Django CMS for Administrators

14 godzin

Django CMS for Developers

21 godzin

Learn Django from Basic to Advanced

35 godzin

Build REST APIs with Python and Django

14 godzin

Wagtail CMS for Developers

21 godzin

Algorithmic Trading with Python and R

14 godzin

Anomaly Detection with Python and R

14 godzin

Programista backend - Python

70 godzin

Bioinformatics with Biopython

14 godzin

Building Chatbots in Python

21 godzin

Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) with Python

14 godzin

GPU Programming with CUDA and Python

14 godzin

Data Mining with Python

14 godzin

Deep Learning for Banking (with Python)

28 godzin

Deep Learning for Finance (with Python)

28 godzin

Fraud Detection with Python and TensorFlow

14 godzin

Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning

28 godzin

GANs and Variational Autoencoders in Python

14 godzin

Deploying Python Web Applications with Gunicorn

7 godzin

IoT Programming with Python

14 godzin

Apache Kafka for Python Programmers

7 godzin

Advanced Deep Learning with Keras and Python

14 godzin

KNIME with Python and R for Machine Learning

14 godzin

Building Microservices with Python

7 godzin

Process Mining w Python

21 godzin

Machine Learning for Banking (with Python)

21 godzin

Machine Learning for Finance (with Python)

21 godzin

Python for Network Engineers

14 godzin

Python for Natural Language Generation

21 godzin

Python and Deep Learning with OpenCV 4

14 godzin

Parallel Programming with Python

14 godzin

ParlAI for Conversational AI

14 godzin

Programming for Biologists

28 godzin

Penetration Testing: Python and Kali Linux

14 godzin

Automating with Python and SikuliX

7 godzin

Natural Language Processing (NLP) with Deep Dive in Python and NLTK

35 godzin

Programowanie w Pythonie

70 godzin

Bootcamp programista backend – Python

70 godzin

Backend Development with Python

35 godzin

Analyzing Financial Data with Python

35 godzin

Computer Vision with Python

14 godzin

Data Visualization with Python

14 godzin

Python Security

14 godzin

GPU Data Science with NVIDIA RAPIDS

14 godzin

Recommender Systems with Python

14 godzin

Natural Language Processing (NLP) with Python spaCy

14 godzin

Spark Streaming with Python and Kafka

7 godzin

Data Analysis with Tableau and Python

14 godzin

NLP with Python and TextBlob

14 godzin

Text Summarization with Python

14 godzin

Machine Learning with Python and Pandas

14 godzin

Accelerating Python Pandas Workflows with Modin

14 godzin

Last Updated:

Opinie uczestników (25)

Upcoming Courses

Szkolenie Python Bielsko-Biała, szkolenie wieczorowe Python Bielsko-Biała, szkolenie weekendowe Python Bielsko-Biała, Python boot camp Bielsko-Biała, kurs zdalny Python Bielsko-Biała, Trener Python Bielsko-Biała, Kurs Python Bielsko-Biała, instruktor Python Bielsko-Biała, nauka przez internet Python Bielsko-Biała, edukacja zdalna Python Bielsko-Biała, kurs online Python Bielsko-Biała, nauczanie wirtualne Python Bielsko-Biała, wykładowca Python Bielsko-Biała, lekcje Python Bielsko-Biała, Kursy Python Bielsko-Biała