
Hotel Tarnovia, Kościuszki 10, Tarnów, Poland, 33-100

The NobleProg Classroom is located in the Tarnovia hotel at Kościuszki 10 street in Tarnow. & Strbina di...

Explore Our Courses

Filing Techniques and Documentation Management

7 Hours

Ethics and Protocol

7 Hours

Neurosales: Leveraging Neuroscience for Sales Success

14 Hours

Mindfulness Workshop: Mastering Assertive Communication and Active Listening

14 Hours

Hosting Online Meetings

7 Hours

Enneagram for Organizational Excellence (OE) Leadership

7 Hours

Jak zwiększyć satysfakcję i podnieść efektywność pracowników? Inwestycja w komfort psychiczny.

7 Hours

Shift management

14 Hours

Consultative sales in b2b or b2c

14 Hours

Design Thinking

4 Hours

Creativity in thinking

7 Hours

Komunikacja w zespole oraz negocjacje sprzedażowe

21 Hours

Cross-cultural differences in teamwork

14 Hours

Motivational assessment interview

7 Hours

Skuteczna Obsługa Klienta

7 Hours

Jak skutecznie radzić sobie ze stresem. Sztuka zarządzania emocjami

14 Hours

Praktyczny warsztat tworzenia User Stories

7 Hours

Company Values

4 Hours

Aby VUCA nie stała się BUKĄ - świat VUCA pod kontrolą

14 Hours

Win Win Negotiation Skills

14 Hours

Workshop: Boost your productivity with this new method!

7 Hours

Meditation 101: Mindfulness Meditation

14 Hours

Mindfulness Workshop

14 Hours

Stress Management and Prevention

7 Hours

Managing Remote Teams

7 Hours

Personal Efficiency and Managing Meetings

7 Hours

MBTI Personality Types

14 Hours

Self Time Management

14 Hours

Coping With Job Burnout Syndrome, Stress and Difficult Emotions

14 Hours

Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

7 Hours

How to Manage Stress and Avoid Burnout

7 Hours

Work – life balance

21 Hours

Work-life balance

21 Hours

Work-Life Balance dla managerów: równowaga między pracą a rozwojem osobistym

14 Hours

Leadership 101

7 Hours

Advisory & Leadership Skills

14 Hours

Budowanie i zarządzanie zespołem

14 Hours

Business Negotiation

14 Hours

Coaching Skills

7 Hours

Coaching - stymulacja i czuwanie nad rozwojem pracowników

14 Hours

Communicating and Influencing - For Managers and Team Leaders

14 Hours

Digital Transformation: Disrupting the Common Delivery of the Common Business Landscape

7 Hours

DNA lidera

21 Hours

DZM – delegating tasks and motivating employees

14 Hours

Leadership and management

14 Hours

Leadership Development for Engineers

14 Hours

Leadership and management.

14 Hours

Psychology of leadership and influence in business

14 Hours

Leadership in the new economy

21 Hours

Poskromić „Psychopatę” - i​​​​​​Inteligencja emocjonalna w budowaniu świadomości Lidera

14 Hours

How to Learn New Behaviours to Improve Your Results

7 Hours

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Testimonials (25)

Upcoming Courses

Online Soft Skills training in Tarnów, Soft Skills training courses in Tarnów, Weekend Soft Skills courses in Tarnów, Evening Soft Skills training in Tarnów, Soft Skills instructor-led in Tarnów, Soft Skills private courses in Tarnów, Weekend Soft Skills training in Tarnów, Soft Skills boot camp in Tarnów, Soft Skills trainer in Tarnów, Soft Skills coaching in Tarnów, Evening Soft Skills courses in Tarnów, Soft Skills on-site in Tarnów, Soft Skills instructor-led in Tarnów, Soft Skills instructor in Tarnów, Soft Skills one on one training in Tarnów, Soft Skills classes in Tarnów, Online Soft Skills training in Tarnów