Course Outline

Training plan

1. Introduction 2. Interesting things about Robot Framework 3. Good practices with exercises 4. Write Test Cases in Robot Framework using Behavior Driven Development (BDD) 5. Create Data Driven Tests 6. Implement Desktop application tests 7. Implement API tests 8. Implement Command Line tests 9. Running parallel tests 10.Create Custom Libraries and Keywords Using Python in Eclipse RED 11.Troubleshoot and Debug tests 12.Important things about creating test framework 13.Create new test project structure 14.Create Desktop, API, Cmd line tests for real application 15.Understand Confidence Levels related to Robot Framework test 16.Prepare new tests automation strategy for CI/CD 17.Integrate Tests with Jenkins 18.Infrastructure as a Code 19.Prepare and configure test environments with docker 20.Exercise with Jenkins pipelines 21.Integrate code repository webhooks and triggers 22.Use of Binary repository in project 23.Prepare tests reporting system 24.Summary and Conclusion



     Experience with software testing  Experience with test automaiton  Basic experience with Robot Framework Programming experience in any language is helpful but not required


    Software test engineers
 21 Hours

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