Course Outline

Block 1: Basics of platforms, social media landscape, How to create communication for social media

1. Landscape Social Media in Poland - current statistics, platform overview

2. Key Digital Trends including Social Media - what is currently key when it comes to building a brand's presence in social media,

3. Facebook - general information about the platform, overview of tools and formats - adapted to the specificity of the platform

4. Instagram - general information about the platform, overview of tools and formats - tailored to the specificity of the platform

5. LinkedIN - general information about the platform, overview of tools and formats - tailored to the specificity of the platform

6. YouTube - general information about the platform, overview of tools and formats - tailored to the specificity of the platform

7. How do we consume content on social media? What content attracts our attention?

8. How to create a brand strategy and start operating on social media?

9. How to create content for social media platforms?

Block 2: Goals of activities in social media

1. Objectives of activities in social media - which platform serves which purpose.

2. Overview of advertising models and advertising formats.

3. Creating and optimizing advertising campaigns (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIN)

4. YouTube Ads - overview of possibilities, tips on how to operate.

5. Tools supporting activities in social media - an overview

6. KPIs and measuring activities in social media - how to set KPIs, what to analyze, how to measure.

The material will be enriched with a practical exercise related to the advertising panel Facebooka.



  • people interested in running professional fan pages;
  • Social Media enthusiasts;
  • for everyone who wants to get the most out of Facebookai LinkedIn :)
  • for people who need to build a team Social Media in the company;
 7 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (1)

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