Course Outline

1. Introduction to internet marketing
a. What do we mean by “internet marketing?
b. What is performance?
c. Possibilities of digital activities (advertising platforms, SEO, analytics)
d. How to plan your activities?

2. Building a strategy for marketing activities
a. How to prepare a brief and define your goals?
b. How to choose advertising platforms and prioritize activities ( introduction
to campaign types within individual activities)?
c. How to create an action plan, timeline and personas considering tests and
d. How to choose a budget and how to use it in time?

3. Managing your marketing team
a. Cooperation with an agency - possible forms of cooperation
b. Cooperation with the agency – pros and cons
c. Managing the in-house marketing team, dividing tasks and maximizing
d. Processes and tools that facilitate work

4. Measurement of effectiveness for e-marketing
a. What to look for when assessing the effectiveness of activities?
b. Basic measurement indicators
c. Analysis of sample campaign reports (divided into platform reports,
Analytics and dedicated reports)


Basic knowledge of Internet marketing.

 7 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (4)

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