Plan Szkolenia

1. Communication and cooperation

  • Communication – what is communication style and why is it important in effectively communicating goals, motivating and interacting with the team and colleagues
  • Components of effective communication
  • Effective communication – tools and techniques


2. The modern "boss" - models of cooperation with the team and team self-organization

  • if people “want to do it”, the whole team has a good chance
  • "willingness" to make decisions independently
  • let's aim for one goal
  • that people want one thing and can do another
  • support for effective self-organization of the team as a system
  • let's learn through experience

4. Communication – basics:

  • principles of effective communication,
  • leadership style and reactions,
  • pro-active communication
  • barriers and disruptions,
  • feedback
  • tools and techniques for effective communication.

5. Roles and communication styles:

  • diagnosis and identification of preferred roles and communication styles
  • effective communication between roles and communication styles,
  • colors in communication – the basis for effective cooperation

6. Conflicts:

  • problems and conflicts – characteristics and potential causes,
  • "Spiral of conflict",
  • effective problem and conflict resolution

7. Communication with the environment:

  • communication process,
  • communication plan,
  • information management,
  • communication with the environment,
  • Partnership and cooperation in the organization - SRMM® model
  • Maturity model levels
    - Spontaneity (Ad hoc)
    - Procedures (Procedural)
    - Relational
    - Integrated cooperation (Intergated)
    - Predictability and forecasting (Predictive)
  • Who do I cooperate with?
    - Identification of Partners
    - Mapping interactions with Partners
    - Improvement plans

7. Summary - good and bad practices 


The training is designed as interactive, with participants' participation reaching over 80% of the time. Each session follows a similar dynamic: an exercise opening you to new habits (building awareness), a mini lecture on techniques (knowledge), practicing new tactics and techniques (skill). After closing each session, participants receive supporting materials related to the discussed session. The practical material is summarized with mini lectures providing theoretical foundations and explaining the basic psychological mechanisms that participants experience while working in the training room.

 14 godzin

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Szkolenia Powiązane

Strategic Development: Thinking, Planning, Management and Leadership

35 godzin

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