Plan Szkolenia

Program ROS 2
1. Introduction
Robot Operating System (ROS) historical background
Modern applications and use cases
2. ROS 2 basic concepts
Overview of the ROS 2 architecture and philosophy
Setting up the workspace environment
ROS 2 nodes, topics, and messages
Using ROS 2 command line interface
Working with the colcon build system
3. Creating a ROS 2 package
Setting up a ROS 2 project in vscode
Using the ROS 2 C++ client library rclcpp
Writing a simple ROS 2 subscriber and publisher
Working with launch files
Using parameters and config files
4. ROS 2 nodes communication strategies
Overview of the possible communication strategies
ROS 2 services
ROS 2 actions
5. Tools
Utilizing the transformation system ( tf )
Robot modeling and visualization tools ( URDF and rviz2 )
Storing message data ( rosbag )
ROS 2 GUI interface ( rqt )
6. Simulation
Gazebo simulator
Gazebo plugins
Interacting with a simulated robot


Understanding of basic robotics concepts
Basic technical skills in fields:
Ubuntu operating system
C++ programming
Object-oriented programming
Understanding version control system e.g. git
Laptop/PC with Ubuntu 22.04 installed

 21 godzin

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