Plan Szkolenia


Overview of Cloud Computing

  • SaaS, PaaS to IaaS

Overview of Pivotal Cloud Foundry Components

  • Router, Cloud Controller, Health Manager, Loggregator, Cells, etc.

Setting up the Development Environment

Overview of Microservice Architecture

Creating a Sample Application

Using the Command-line Interface and Apps Manager

Deploying the Application to Cloud Foundry

Using with Routes, Services, Manifests, Buildpacks, Routing, etc.

Updating, Scaling and Monitoring the Application

Securing the Application

Deploying Existing Applications to Pivotal Cloud Foundry

Reducing Downtime by Running Multiple Production Environments


Integrating Pivotal Cloud Foundry with Continuous Delivery Tools

Summary and Conclusion


  • Experience with Java application development
 21 godzin

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Cloud Architect

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