Plan Szkolenia


Overview of Internet-of-Things (IoT) Technology

Overview of Blockchain Technology

Benefits of Integrating IoT and Blockchain Technology

Overview of the Flowchain Framework: A Case Study on Building a Blockchain for the IoT

Required Architecture for Blockchain and IoT Integration

IoT Device Interoperability and How It Affects the Blockchain Implementation

Applying Blockchain's Distributed Ledger for IoT

Implementing Blockchain's Consensus System for IoT

Using the Flowchain SDK to Implement an Iot and Blockchain Solution for Your Organization

Overview of Other IoT and Blockchain Tools and Solutions for Your Organization

  • IBM IoT on Blockchain
  • Microsoft Azure IoT
  • AWS IoT Platform
  • Google Cloud IoT

Summary and Conclusion


  • Basic familiarity with Internet-of-Things (IoT) and/or Blockchain Concepts
 7 godzin

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