Plan Szkolenia

Day 1 :

  • what is fuzzy logic
  • why fuzzy logic is useful,
  • can fuzzy logic save power?
  • extract facts from nearby points
  • difference between fuzzy and propability
  • fuzzy rules

Day 2:

  • fuzzy sets
  • logical and, or, not operation on fuzzy sets
  • fuzzification
  • defuzzification
  • example for loan system

Day 3:

  • example of control systems using fuzzy logic
  • fuzzy matrix and fuzzy rule base
  • combining fuzzy rules
  • fuzzy logic and senstivity analysis

Day 4:

  • data mining using fuzzy sets
  • fuzzy calssification/decision trees
  • fuzzy assoiciation rules mining
  • clustering using fuzzy logic
  • data visulization using fuzzy sets and fuzzified values


General knowledge about computer science, binary logic reasoning, and how to infer from a set of rules

 28 godzin

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