Course Outline

Key concepts and themes

  • What is SOA?
  • What kind of architectural style to choose?
  • The "pipe and filter" style
  • Constraints on data types
  • The development lifecycle
  • Providing an appropriate level of abstraction
  • Key themes addressed within RUP for SOA

Service identification and specification

  • Constructing a model of a service
  • WSDL-defined services
  • Developing service specifications
  • Defining service providers
  • Determining the granularity of a service
  • A behavioural specification
  • Policy specification
  • Defining candidate services
  • Refactoring services

Managing a service portfolio

  • Applications as dynamic entities
  • A portfolio of available capabilities
  • Process time-binding
  • Run-time binding
  • WSDL, XSD and WS-Policy
  • The service portfolio management process
  • Configuring an SLA for a web service

Partitioning service-oriented solutions

  • Managing the models
  • Categorizing the elements
  • Different stakeholders reviewing the model
  • Using packages
  • Representing views into the model
  • Composite structure from UML 2.0
  • Using "parts" and "connectors"
  • Partitioning the managed services

New and updated guidelines

  •  Managing message attachments
  •  Designing messages
  •  Assuring consistency of message schema
  •  Service data encapsulation
  •  Relationship data schema - service boundaries
  •  Service mediation
  •  State management
  •  The merits of stateful and stateless services
  •  Managing resource state
  •  Going from services to service components
  •  The traditional design/implementation model

Message-centric design

  • Focus on the service domain
  • Domain engineering
  • Applying object-oriented analysis and design
  • Producing highly reusable models
  • The traditional business-to-business arena
  • EDI standardization
  • Hybrid message and service-centric approach
  • Use case analysis
  • Documenting requirements
  • Using business process models
  • Non-functional requirements
  • The requirements database

Service-centric design

  • Exposing functions expected of the business
  • Exposing operations of service providers
  • Making intuitive service interfaces
  • Service-centric modelling
  • Use-case driven approach
  • Understanding the needs of the actors
  • The project goals -from a business standpoint
  • Involvement of the software architect
  • Policy information, required by service consumers
  • The business executive role
  • Interaction with the back-end system
  • Connecting service to implementation model
  • Refining the service model
  • Addressing performance concerns

Collaboration-centric design

  • Collaborating services
  • Process view of the services
  • Traditional business modelling
  • Fulfilling roles in the collaboration
  • Partner Interchange processes (PIPs)
  • OAGIS standards
  • Process-centric mindset
  • The "business vs. IT gap"
  • "Black box" activities
  • Defining key performance indicators (KPIs)
  • Versioning and publishing a model
  • Producing metrics for monitoring
  • Choreography language
  • Business process execution language (BPEL)
  • Monitoring the services

What is SOA Governance?

  • Compliance to standards or laws
  • Change management
  • Ensuring quality of services
  • Managing the portfolio of services
  • Managing the service lifecycle
  • Uing policies to restrict behavior
  • Monitoring performance of services

The SOA Governance issue

  • Governance appearing as SOA initiatives
  • A dynamic environment for services to interact
  • Encouraging the reuse of services
  • Controlling how services interact with each other

SOA Governance Stages

  • First: realization that governance is needed
  • Second: governance improving business execution
  • Third: mixing technology & changes in behavior
  • Fourth: technology selection & implementation

Service Management

  • Design-time perspective
  • Run-time perspective
  • Repository of service for reuse
  • Services contained in heterogeneous platforms
  • Service-virtualization for run-time management of services

Critical governance components

  • Service registry service and an asset repository
  • Creating a "SOA Centre of Excellence”
  • Focusing on establishing SOA organizational guidelines
  • The organizational maturity
  • Agreed governance policies

SOA Governance tools

  • Real time monitoring of events
  • Failures in a BSM framework
  • Service-level instrumentation
  • Hooking into operational management systems
  • Virtualization as enabler to separate governance/service logic
  • Service virtualization managed by operational staff

Developing core SOA governance

  • Why SOA technology stack has grown complex
  • Mixing between COTS & in-house
  • Justifying external consultants to help out
  • Figuring out which business we are really in

Roles and responsibilities involved in SOA Governance

  • Establishing a SOA Centre of Excellence
  • Enterprise-wide planning and assistance in execution
  • The roles of the SOA architect/governance architect
  • Solving potential conflicting interests
  • Ensure that governance guidelines are followed

Barriers to SOA governance

  • Not realizing the need for governance
  • Lack of Governance technologies
  • Lack of Service virtualizations

State of good governance

  • Interaction with external parties
  • Managing the business rules and BRE mgmt
  • Regulations for good governance
  • The agreements repository
  • Proactively embedding governance in the business
  • Governance by action rather than by statement
  • SLA monitoring to establish premium prices

Critical success factors

  • Start thinking about governance early
  • View governance as a moving target
  • Manage policies as entities with their own lifecycles
  • Choose a technology platform
  • The platform should address immediate governance needs
  • Future support as SOA infrastructure scales
  • Enforce service level agreements


Experience in software design

 21 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (5)

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