Course Outline

Module 1: Create a model-driven application in Power Apps

Module 2: Create a canvas app in Power Apps

Module 3: Use the UI and controls in a canvas app in Power Apps

Module 4: Automate a business process using Power Automate

Module 5: Create and use analytics reports with Power BI

Module 6: Get started with AI Builder


  • Basic data modeling, user experience design, requirements analysis, and process
    analysis skills.
  • A personal growth mindset and are comfortable using technology to solve business problems.
  • An understanding of the operational need and have a vision of the desired outcome. They approach
    problems with phased and iterative strategies.


The App Maker builds solutions to simplify, automate, and transform tasks and processes for themselves and their team where they have deep expertise in the solution business domain. They have basic data modeling, user experience design, requirements analysis, and process analysis skills. The App Maker creates and enforces business processes, structures digital collection of information, improves efficiency of repeatable tasks, and automates business processes. The App Maker uses the Maker tools of Power Platform to solve business problems. They may use advanced features of Microsoft apps and third-party productivity tools. The App Maker is aware of the capabilities and limitations of available tools and understands how to apply them. The App Maker is self-directed, and solution focused. They may not have formal IT training but are comfortable using technology to solve business problems with a personal growth mindset. They understand the operational need and have a vision of the desired outcome. They approach problems with phased and iterative strategies.

 28 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (2)

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