Course Outline

  • How Learning Works, It’s Function and the Be-Do-Get model
    Learning is innate: we all have a need for mental stimulation. We have mistaken check boxes and processes for learning. Behaviour change is more like a dance than a destination. Be-Do-Get is a useful model to demonstrate how we get better results (i.e: how we learn.)

    Be – paradigms – changed in an instant – usually require an experience – a feeling of wanting or needing to change. This feeling can be positive or negative. Negative is fast acting but painful or kills trust
    Do – skills/actions – change slowly - require commitment/focus/connection / repetition and willpower
    Get – not controllable directly
  • How to change your paradigms
     - the things you habitually believe – we look at ways to free the mind from its usual conclusions, the ‘table legs’ that support beliefs and how to remove them (rather than trying to knock the table down by leaning on it!)
  • Informal learning
    - how to learn whilst working rather than formally through courses and textbooks
  • Learning Styles
    - how you best process information and therefore things you can do to speed up learning and your retention of information
  • Memory Tips & Systems of Information
    - simple techniques to help you retain the information you really want in your short-term memory or locked permanently in the ‘habit brain’ and leave the rest ‘on file’ to look up when needed. From Sherlock’s memory palace to Cornell’s system for taking notes.
  • Reflection & Action Planning
    - reflecting on what you wanted to get from today (which we looked at in the beginning of the course) you advise yourself on the one to three things you will do differently on getting back to work and how you will get back on track if you forget!



Anyone who wants to learn new behaviours to have a better life, better relationships, to get what they need. Knowing is not the same as doing. For example: whilst you may know you need to be more assertive and even what to do but unless you want to and believe you can, you will be unable to make the change. This course will solve that problem.


 7 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (5)

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