Course Outline


1. Presentation of the goals and program of the development cycle - PROFESSIONAL
2. Setting individual goals by training participants.

3. Verbal and non-verbal communication and attitude: submissive, aggressive and

a. Self-diagnosis of one's own communication and attitude.
b. Diagnosis of communication and customer attitudes.
c. Practicing non-verbal and verbal elements and tools communications that increase social impact and effectiveness communication.

4. Simulation of conversations with customers, using selected tools.



1. Five secrets of effective communication, designed by Dr. David Burns, co-founder of cognitive-behavioral therapy.

2. Communication Aikido. Managing a difficult situation at work as a teacher.



1. Individual analysis by each training participant, the last 5 "wins" and 5 "loses" sales processes. Arrangement key factors of success and failure, thanks to which we won and through what we lost / what was missing that we lost. At the extraction stage conclusions from the analysis, determining (group work on the training forum) what key behaviors and actions at individual stages of the process sales have the greatest impact on success.

2. Developing sales arguments - a bank of benefits and values added resulting from:
a. our products/services
b. my standard of customer service;
c. other benefits and added values that are not present in the previous ones two areas that respond to the client's identified problems and
which are the greatest value for him, from the perspective of costs incurs and/or lost profits and provide a return on investment and have
business justification.

3. Exercise in the selection and presentation of sales arguments (which have been previously described in the added value bank) adequate to the problems and client's goals. Simulation of a conversation with a client - the introduction stage (previously earned) benefits.



1. Determining the most common critical customer objections/reservations/claims.
2. Developing responses to previously identified critical objections /customer objections/claims, using the response model objections.
3. Simulations of a conversation with a client - the stage of responding to previously agreed questions critical objections of the client, with previously developed answers.
4. Determining actions and behaviors that have a counteracting function and managing customer objections.



1. Sztuka konstruktywnej konfrontacji i model konstruktywnej konfrontacji opracowany na kanwie NVC (komunikacja bez przemocy) Marshalla
Rosenberga. Konstruktywna konfrontacja = budowanie relacji.

2. Ćwiczenie realnych najbardziej problematycznych sytuacji, które to uczestnicy warsztatów zakwalifikują do konstruktywnej konfrontacji a następnie przeprowadzą symulację rozmów – konstruktywnych konfrontacji, wybranych przez siebie sytuacji.
3. Symulacje rozmów z klientami, z wykorzystaniem poznanego modelu.

4. Model dynamiki eskalacji emocji, który pozwala zrozumieć kiedy powinniśmy zdecydować się na konstruktywną konfrontację aby emocje nas wspierały.
5. Ustalenie jak przebiega dynamika eskalacji emocji w modelu konstruktywnej konfrontacji który służy: rozwiązaniu problemu lub załatwianiu sprawy a nie załatwieniu człowieka.

1. Practical discussion and application of the laws of persuasion.

2. Practical discussion of the six rules of influencing, described by prof. Robert Cialdini, thanks to which training participants will be able to increase your influence on customers.


1. The standard of "good conversation" in business. Assumptions, strategies and techniques of "good conversation" in business
2. Empathetic listening with "heart"
3. Turning ratings into opinions

4. "Aikido" in conversation - model assumptions and linguistic structures
5. The language of taking responsibility vs. the language of finding someone to blame and transferring responsibility
6. The language of values in practice - model assumptions and linguistic structures
7. The language of a successful person - model assumptions and linguistic structures
8. The language of respect that opens up dialogue and makes understanding possible
9. The language of transparency - model assumptions and language structures and twelvepersuasive question patterns
10. The language of courage - model assumptions and linguistic structures


1. Advanced models of professional communication
2. The "stairway to heaven" communication model
3. Karpman's drama triangle - model and psychology of the drama triangle and advanced linguistic structures to defend against trial manipulation and entry into triangle games and exit from triangle games and agreement.
4. The language of good conversation - linguistic structures that should be renounced, because block the conclusion of an agreement and linguistic structures that increase and make the agreement more probable.



Outcome Based Thinking Model – Thinking in terms of the result, what I want achieve what I want to achieve. Practical training in influencing and communicating negotiations with contractors.

Practical training of the Outcome Based Thinking model. Each participant training, I will describe it individually in terms of the result, i.e.: what I want to achieve and obtain, persuade and dissuade your (selected) contractor and what information or arguments I need to provide him, what I should do, what actions to take, what to say, how to behave to achieve the intended and previously described result.


SELF-KNOWLEDGE LABORATORY, during which training participants:
1. They will transform at the source and integrate the unpleasant (in colloquial language called negative) emotions (using a professional model
therapeutic, integration of emotions - transformation at the source) they experience and survive in difficult situations. Which will change their way of thinking and beliefs about emotions, thanks to which they will be able to interpret correctly information that comes from experienced emotions, draw strength from emotions to they gave them energy to act and fueled them, supporting intellectual processes and making the right decisions.

2. They will learn the ABCD model of your emotions from Rational Behavior Therapy, which serves to manage: your emotions, beliefs, changing the way of thinking in given situation and changing behavior and actions.
3. They will learn the most common cognitive and self-destructive distortions beliefs, surrendering your chosen beliefs to important issues,
self-diagnosis using the tools you have learned to check them truthfulness and usefulness.
4. They will learn the five principles of healthy thinking, a model derived from Rational Behavior Therapy, thanks to which they will have a reliable tool diagnostic, used to check whether their beliefs are good for them and supporting the achievement of goals.
5. They will change identified negative beliefs into supportive ones beliefs in a selected difficult business situation.
6. They will analyze the balance of profits and costs from the selected business relationship has a lot of business importance and is currently unfavorable which relationship they would like change for the better.
7. They will learn what resistance to changing the status quo is (changing the result to… desired) and resistance to the process (the work that must be done to achieve desired outcome) in relationships.
8. Summary


  • None


  • Seller
  • Customer Service Representative
 28 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (5)

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