Course Outline

  1. Introduction to Microsoft Azure
  2. Creating resource groups, services and configuring them using the portal, CloudShell and Azure CLI
  3. Overview of available services.
  4. Hosting possibilities: virtual machines, containerization, serverless.
  5. Creating and configuring virtual machines.
  6. Architecture styles.
  7. Data storage (storage) services: Table Storage, Blob Storage, SQL Server, CosmosDB.
  8. Azure App Service and accompanying services.
  9. Azure Kubernetes Service and Azure Container Services.
  10. Example implementations to AppService: WordPress and ASP.NET applications.
  11. Overview of the modern app development framework:
    1. Inner and outer loop,
    2. AKS containers and clusters,
    3. DevOps,CI/CD.
  12. Introduction to images and containers Docker:
    1. Discussion of basic concepts: image, container, DockerFile.
    2. Creating .NET Framework application images and .NET Core.
    3. When to use .NET Framework and when to use .NET Core?
    4. Preparation of a Web API website with a database and SSL certificate.
    5. Using tool Swagger for API documentation.
  13. Kubernetes:
    1. Overview of main concepts such as Control Plane and Worker Nodes, Pods.
  14. Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS):
    1. What does AKS manage?
    2. Creating a cluster with containers Linux and Windows Server – discussion of the differences.
    3. Implementation of the application to AKS.
    4. Horizontal and vertical scaling of the application.
    5. Testing applications under load.
    6. Certificate configuration.
    7. Helm.
    8. Terraform.
    9. Cluster monitoring.
  15. Integration with Azure DevOps and automatic CI/CD implementations.
  16. Mini-workshop: independent implementation of the application, configuration of services in Microsoft Azure and AKS by training participants.
  17. Summary and next steps.



 28 Hours

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